Last night, one of my very good friends decided to book a surprise trip to Hawaii with her husband for an after marriage honey moon, as a romantic gettaway. This got me thinking about how romantic the beach setting of Hawaii would be for two people who have been recently married.
For some reason, (as you probably noticed) I have an obsession with beaches and warm weather. My opinion is that every wedding ceremony should be performed on the beach infront of the ocean.
Expedia.ca/.com is offering special deals if one books early. So I say you check out the hottest beach destinations and possibly run off to the Caribbean or some place similar to escape the winter blahs! You can either celebrate your wedding, honey moon, or even just a romantic gettaway with your loved one who you've been with for a while.
In my opinion, everyone should go get some sun and lay on the beach while the rest of us suffer back here with arctic like weather!
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